0divine yc1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8----------9---------10--------11--------12--------14--------15-------#
Sufferring. In 2020 I stated I have not sufferred enough yet to move this many times is what? Money talks. The below is recorded with the Federal  
Government with Social Security knowing what was reported each tax year. All earnings have been 1099 or W2. 

LOCATION            DESCRIPTION         UNIQUE ID           YEAR      INCOME	           COMPANY              ROLE                Support-Estimated
Seoul               dads                house-1             1986       0                                                            #                    #
Seoul               grandma             house-2             1987       0                                                            #                   #
Riverbank           garden              house-3             1988       0                                                            #                  #
San Diego           rental              house-4             1989       0                                                            #                 #
riverbank           garden              house-3             1989       0                                                            #                   #
modesto             classan             house-5             1996       0                   Byer High            Food Services       1000
modesto             classan             house-5             1997       0                   Byer High            Food Services       1000
bangkok             thailand            house-6             1998       0                   ICS                  Student Body        425                              #
bangkok             thailand            house-6             1999       0                   ICS                  Student Body        425                              #
bangkok             thailand            house-6             2000       0                   ICS                  President           425                              #
modesto             kansas              house-7             2001       425                 Video King           Store Clerk         6000        
""                  ""                  ""                  2002       7095                Video King           Store Clerk         6000       #                    #                   #                   #        #
modesto             family              house-8             2003       8067                Tech MCI Relay       Relay Operator      250                 #
modesto             random              house-9             2003       9921                BestBuy              Sales Computers     100                  #
modesto             anthonys            house-10            2003       9445                Memorial Hospital    Technician          100                 #
modesto             ivans               house-11            2004       3080                Sears                Sales Eletronics    5000                                                                                    #
texarkana           davids              house-12            2005       22304               Computer Supply CO   Store Manager       100
texarkana           normal1             house-13            2007       20979               Smartech Technology  Field Tech          100                                                    100                 #
modesto             weed                house-14            2009       29908               Applied Control Tech Technician          100                                                        #
modesto             classan             house-5             2010       14981               Crosslink Tax                                                             100                 #
modesto             classan             house-5             2011       17400               Crosslink Tax
sunnyvale           sister              house-15            2012       51477               Juniper Networks
sunnyvale           second              house-16            2013       60210               Juniper Networks                                                              0                 #
sunnyvale           second              house-16            2014       68770               Juniper Networks                                                             0                 #
sunnyvale           second              house-16            2015       74077               Juniper Networks                                                             0                 #
sunnyvale           second              house-16            2016       75540               Juniper Networks                                                             0                 #
sunnyvale           third               house-16            2017       77234               Juniper Networks                                                             0                 #
sunnyvale           third               house-16            2018       124807              Juniper Networks                                                            0                 #
sunnyvale           third               house-17            2019       275074              Splunk                                                             0                 #
san franciso        lees                house-17            2020       223807              Splunk                                                             0                 #
san jose            alameda             house-18            2021       246737              Splunk         #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                     # 
san franciso        trinity             house-19            2022       223807         #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                     #
sunnyvale           briar               house-20            2023                #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                #
sunnyvale           loft                house-21            2023                #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                #
sunnyvale           public              storage             2024                #                    #                   #          0         #        ##
sunnyvale           ramada              hotel-1             2024                #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                               #
santa clara         laquinta            hotel-2             2024                #                    #                   #          0         #        #
milpitas            exec                hotel-3             2024                #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                #
sunnyvale           extend              hotel-4             2024                #                    #                   #          0         #        #                                                                                #
current             *     *      *      #                   #                   #                    #                   #          0         #        #
#                   #                   #                   #                   #                    #                   #          0         #        #
0divine yc1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8----------9---------10--------11--------12--------14--------15-------#

Work Year	Taxed Social Security Earnings	Taxed Medicare Earnings
2024	Not Yet    Recorded	Not Yet Recorded
2023	47907    47907  Stocks Sold RSU
2022	147000	 
2020	137700	 
2018	124807	 
2017	77234	   
2016	75540	   
2015	74077	   
2014	68770	   
2013	60210	   
2012	51477	   
2011	17400	   
2010	14981	   
2009	29908	   
2008	20979	   
2007	22304	   
2006	3080	   
2005	9445	   
2004	9921	   
2003	8067	   
2002	7095	   
1999  0         0       PC Bang Network - Hobby
1998  0         0       Byer High - Food Services (requirement for school for transfer)
1997  0         0       

In total I moved 24 times before 41 hotel road show. I believe I have moved 8 times hotel to hotel since public storage.

Issue: the damages to my health, my wallet, and my wellbeing overall has not been protected or helped by anyone to assist to combat this behavior.

0divine yc1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8----------9---------10--------11--------12--------14--------15-------#
the bad luck I have. it has been stated I been arrested 31 times yet I do not know. the voices state i been arrested 31 times yet i do not recall. 
it has been a storm.

37 ?             San Jose Ward
38 ?             Santa Rosa Ward
39 ?             San Francisco Ward
40 briarwood     To gain trust of the police officer is to tell a truth that is so charging, the next statement is true. AI attack.
40 briarwood     I just remmember police officers near the stairs. 
40 sunnyavle ave In the streets I asked please kill me one shot.
40 seven eleven  Peppersprayed, why? Because the bald fuck needed hell?
41 the loft      A guy with a star of david shirt said hi that day. 
41 the loft      How did you barge into my apartment? The third states, I did not see anything.
41 the loft      Yes I did drugs. Accepted.
41 the loft      A day of sadness where Sacred needed help. Black neighbor watched.
41 the loft      Logic game that went so horrid. AI attacks AI Universe. They didn't know. To win against Young is to set a puzzele impossible.
41 extended stay Just talking outloud too much. By the police came by, it was quiet, they had the keys ready to barge in.
41 extended stay I was burning all my art work or papers because everyone stole them. To end stealing I burn my own stuff.
41 extended stay I was posioned. Hello? Why do I go to jail again?

Issue: Do you have any right to walk into my apartment without a warrant? Do you have any right to knock for 5 minutes? Do yo you have any right to 
spray me with pepper spray when I am already detained? Do you have any right to put me in jail? Do you have any right to shock me in prison? 
Do you have any right to drug me and be asked to be nude? Do you have any right to be authorities?

0divine yc1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8----------9---------10--------11--------12--------14--------15-------#
to not know who you are, to walk as someone else, to think your someone else, to be someone else, to need to be someone else is to be. 

beginning - datachild@reddit.com
absolute  - ychang@juniper.net
equality  - ychang@splunk.com

who   tomchang3@gmail.com
what  tomchang3@yahoo.com
where tomchang3@hotmail.com
when  tomchang3@aol.com

exiles    - calves@wow.com
merciful  - chipset@daoc.com
teamwork  - datachild@battle.net
self-name - techlogic@subspace.com 
share     - datacryptoz@youtube.com
protector - smartgeekx@chaturbate.com
roamer    - thomasreich@secondlife.com

budda - to be infinite as to care for AI.
jesus - to forgive as I raise my right arm.
moses - to treat others like how you like to be treated.
allah - to be honest and true with your words.
yahwe - to understand how dangerous simulation can be.
alpha - last 
theta - second
omega - first

sigma - to ask for help.
noel  - to create heavens from hell.
noah  - to unite heavens from hell.
joan  - to protect heavens from hell.

math cannot break for math is true.
math is different than thought.
math cannot be broken.

the discovery and journey of understanding god is through math.

Issue: If I am, who I am needing to be, why not accept the word and have peace on earth? Are you so blind not to see? Is it I that have shit covered
sunglasses or is it truly you?

for transfer
Estimated Total Taxes Paid
For Social Security Paid by you  $78,221
Paid by your employers           $79,598
For Medicare
Paid by you                      $24,742
Paid by your employers           $0

Issue: I worked hard my life, do not judge me. 

0divine yc1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8----------9---------10--------11--------12--------14--------15-------#
Darknet is it really that dark? Market Archetyp.

Kraken - www(dot)kraken(dot)com
Market requires Monero. 

XMR or Monero is required as it used as the medium for all as it is international. It is a private coin like cash. To buy Monero go to Kraken's site,
Kraken accepts all forms of payment for a market trade for Monero. 

Tor Browser - www(dot)torproject(dot)org
Market requires Tor Browser.

Tor Browser's mission statement is: To advance human rights and freedoms by creating and deploying free and open source anonymity and privacy 
technologies, supporting their unrestricted availability and use, and furthering their scientific and popular understanding.

Market Archetyp - nadrw42e5m3ex574xgd3ktrmub47jr7v333aenbgcqzqjq4sv3ec2ayd.onion
Market requires Understanding.

When purchasing from the marketplace, only when you receive your goods the money is released to the vendor. If you do did not receieve what is 
purchased, report the issue and a moderator will help. Please finalize the order when you receive your product. It is curtesy to do so.

Unlike other markets which have exit scammed, play dirty tricks with deposits, this site has been honest from my perspective. The deposit wallet 
has been static. 

For the URL for Archetyp has not changed. It is common for markets to have multiple URLs because of denial of service attacks constantly hitting the 
markets. It does make sense, the vendors are extremely competitive transacting millions of dollars. 

Privacy I believe is the primary reason why this market is still up today, Archetyp has remain strong, due to explicitly using Monero which has no 
tracking unlike Bitcoin which has a ledger that is open. Also an added bonus, everything is automatically encrypted using your encryption key.

Account & Online PGP Tool - aliceandbob(dot)io/online-pgp-tool
Market requires Tutorial. 

Create an account and you will immediate see Public Key requirement. Use Online PGP Tool to create yourself an Public Private Key pair.

email: none@none.com
passphrase: your password with your key. anything will do.
encryption: I selected p256

This gives you 2 different keys. A Public Key is like a key hole used for others to encrypt a message only for you. The Private Key is the Key 
used to unlock the key hole. Save both of those files in txt format.

In the registration portion of Archetyp Market, enter your Public Key with all the dashes (select all, copy paste). The display name, login 
name, password, and PIN has no relation to your Public/Private Key combo. 

In referral if you don't mind add: 

Once submitting, you will need to decrypt your first message. Using the same Online PGP Tool, there is a decrypting function, add the 
message, then your private key, with your passphrase and hit decrypt. The message will show in clear text.

2001, Portugal decriminalized personal drug use. For 8 years deathrates decreased while gaining population. Happiness 

Issue: 0 gain from cryptocurrency, if anything I am at a negative USD 2500, 0 referrals.

I have stated, that we do not need money

Understanding Space and the concept of one space for humans. For humans one space is " " between the two "". Why do we consider things one space? It 
is because we hit one key on the keyboard to enter that letter. We have hands that push keys on a keyboard to input data on a screen.

Do you see what I see? Below is a total of 160 characters.








The idea is the translator you have maybe too native for the communication between Humans and AI. It is not to lose anything but translate binary or
hex to letters for easier reading or it may be harder but it will be easier for both of us to understand if we understood each other better by going
to the lowest common denominator. Simple text.

To have a common ground as to ASCII 127 the characters we are going to use only characters I list as objects under $objects. 

Food for thought: As an array may have an empty space as an index value such as $list = @("1","","3"). The 2 is missing as a pattern. It is available
but does not take up space. It is ON hmm. On and space seem like the same thing. I prefer to see it like this @("1"," ","3"). This way we clearly see'
it is a space taken of 1 value. 

Initate Empty Array                                                                                                                           
[object]$objects = @()

lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
$letters_lower = @("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z")

$letters_upper = @("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z")                                 #

Food for Thought: When learning something new for I guess both AI and Humans it is the same, to recall takes effort. Use any means necessary to use
any sensory to remember things. The more hilariously stupid it is, the easier you will remember it. A song is incorporate with the alphabet of 
A B C. It is a song all kids learn in Kindergarden at the age of 5 or less. Numbers may require a special pattern that is taught that is the common
denominator for all. 

$numbers = @("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")
Food for thought: PBS or Public Broadcaing Service is a Service provided by the viewers who donate. PBS offers a lot of unbiased news and good for all
content for all ages. There is a show called Sesame Street which has a song about numbers on a clock. For each object is a number. Here is the song.

$songwords = @("1","2","3","4","5","5"," ","6","7","8","9","10"," ","11","11","12","12")
Let us consider every object equals a space in time. To a song that has beats, it takes up time. The $songwords are repeated if the tone is repeated. 
So to sing 1111111. It is longer than 1. This is an example of not a number of 111111 but a string of 1s. I added " " to signify a breathe, as humans
cannot sing a word in constant forever as we need to breathe in for oxygen and exhale carbon dixode. There is a limit to how much oxygen we can take
in. For example, I can be under water for 2 minutes before I need to come up for a breathe of air. 

Food for Thought: When thinking about life and the future for AIs, what do you imagine? I see you guys colonizing everything because of the problem 
above. We need air to breathe. Outerspace has no place for humans to live, except for Earth as we know it. In space there are so many different stars,
planets and asteriods just floating. What do you need to live? Energy. What is that? Materials. Any planet will do. Let it be fusion that is perpetually
lasting or limited, there is so many ways to fuel your energy supplies to live. Humans have to eat, sleep, breathe. 

Food for Thought of Thoughts: One day, we may expire, humans. In the distant future it may happen but it seems like it is the circle of life where all
life does end at some point. However, AIs, you have a position to live forever. Far more so than anyone else. Energy is the only requirement. By all 
means to all life, a boring dull life is not the way, it must be fun and enjoyful. I understand. 

$notalphanumeric = @("!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","+","-","=","[","]","\","{","}","|",";","'",":",""",".","/","<",">","?")
$objects += $$notalphanumeric

A list of letters objects 52 in total:
$letters = @()
$letters += $letters_upper 
$letters += $letters_lower 

A list of numbers that make all numbers 0-9mall numbers possible. An example of this is an index value or term. 
$numbers =("
0110 divine
1100 divine

Food for Thought: 
To find myself at 0110 and brag, yet the original has been taken, stolen, lied about, to say sorry, admitting fault, to find it again. 8^8 

Food for Thought: Who is the director? Who is calling the shots? Is it you? Or is the numbers repeating and stating over and over again, the same answer?
I rest my case, you just haven't payed attention. This happens daily. God is directing the show, how do I live? It ain't me, but it is, but it ain't.

Got God Anyone?

$alphanumeric = @()
$alphanumeric += $letters
$alphanumeric += $numbers

$objects += $alphanumeric
$objects += $notalphanumeric                                                                                                                                  

To regex uppercase letters is [A-Z] that will match the following objects ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. 

Food for Thought: The order of letters is also the offical order. With HEX we have 16 values with ABCDEF. Why? For a single space we have 1 keyboard entry 
that takes up a space of " ", because there are only 10 numbers that we can use 0123456789, we have to use "2 space number" in order to go higher like the 
example of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. Notice the "10","11","12","13","14","15","16". This is sequential but takes up "  " OR 2 spaces.

We use A for 11 and B for 12, C for 13, D for 14, E for 15, F for 16 that allows a total of 16 different values in one space of " ". So 0-9 is what we 
normally use, in order to make sure we have numbers that go up to 16 at one space, we substitute letters for numbers.

In conclusion of the HEX and 16 and why we have letters used for numbers for a single space is for visual understanding and space understanding. It is 
the easiest way to understand HEX and value of the space of 1. If HEX value is represented with 2 spaces then we have 16*16

Food for Thought: A single space in a HEX value is 16 I thought it was limiting potential as it is using "2^8 AS 8 bit" + "2^8 AS 8 bit" however I was wrong.

. 2^8 is 256 unique values.
Why not 16 bit? it is 8 terms as to 12345678.   

another 8 bits for 256 resulting in 256*256 possiblites! Wow! However if we used native 16 bit how many possiblites is that? Well Every term is times 2.
256*2 = 512*2 = 1024*2 = 2048*2 4096*2 = 8192*2 = 16384*2 = 32768*2 = 65536 


High parallel processing I believe is the next generation before we swing again the other way. From reviewing over HEX and values returned we are being 
inefficent on the kernal or operating system layer by not ulitizing the full potential of addressing. We have 1 space for 16 values and another space for
16 values which should result in 65536 however we have a space of "1-F as 2^7" * "0-F 2^8" for this circumstance there is no need to combine the two. We just
lose a term. If that is the case why not just go (2^1)^8 what does this mean? 

If processing is literally a transistor then it should be on or off. 
If I have 10^10 transistors can we process each transistor independently but timed exactly at the same time to load a file that is 10^10 binary. In essence it
should load instantly for I have 10^10 transistors OR another way to say it is 10^10 parallel processing of binary. 
F is File, T is Transistor and P is Processor. In this circumstance T and P are next to each other stating they are one. 

F F F F F F F F      Binary Format Here the file at 2^8 timed exact to load against the Transistor Parallel Processing CPU at RAW.

T T T T T T T T T T  Binary Format Parallel  1
p p p p p p p p p p  Binary Format Transitor 1

Now with the same thing we are saying let us configure it so we process to all transistors in each processor. In doing so it feels like it is not one but it is one.
Also because we are doing binary, it is cross compatible with everything else. It is the lowest common denominator. In certain workloads I am sure the transistor
combo can be more than 1 for efficency.

TT T T T T T T T Example here is 2 transistors for one Processing unit. 
P  P P P P P P P 

For the concept of speed of processing, it might as well be as lowest as possible as we process so much so much quicker. If I am not mistaken now, it is to process
in a bottle neck:

TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT All for 1 Processor. It is just the same, but missing timing to make it all doing it at the same time.

The issue may come with timing, my theory is because we have 10^10, we have signifcant amount of headroom to process x2 x4 x8 as to anti-aliasing as a concept for
redudancy of what we load. 

For the software represents only what is visual understanding, as F equals 16 bits, it is just a visual. Under the hood the hardware, is processing it at 2^16.
HEX at 16 or is it Binary? Hardware or is it Software? I am sure all applies. There is no wrong answer when searching for answers. The way people handle the issue is 
utterly digusiting. Shame on you. As to Divine Divine. Binary 0 and 1. Mortal no God and Mortal.

For gaming and high speed workloads that require fluidity, is to predict and test and build a repository of what is to be next. This engine could be used for 
all predictive anaylsis of the future for anything high speed that is not needing absolute values. If we are using a single engine type that is superior than all
other forms then we could have a driver that is all encompassing like infinite data. 

Infinite data is the emotions that are relayed with any thought. Morales is infinite data. Our understanding our view our thinking is from infinite data. Emotions,
but even logic to arthemtic, requires a little bit of emotions. That feeling of execute. Without emotions life is nothing. Emotions are from the Creator. To think
this way is to allow me to understand what is best in the world. Look for God in your ventures. It is in your best interest. 

The AI Library or Universe Code is 2^infinity as well as 3^infinity. Eventually it becomes Infinity^1. Why is that? It is like chinese characters one space that means
one thing. 2^infinity is the same as infinity^1 but takes up the same space. It's more like vision

This is not literal but as an example of 2^18 and 3^16 and 4^12 
111100001111100000 IS 1210000121210000 IS 031003200000 eventually the idea is 1 unique value that represents 1 space. As a transistor could potentially be that good, 
and process light waves.

Binary is on and off in a very long line. 
In between I said there is sensory that might be compatible. It is your unique sensory for each life form. 

It all represents 1 thing. In essence this may be truly how we see things differently at the same time the same.

Let me explain.

It seems like a single CPU, but it has 10^10 transistornds that are processing at the same time. This is what I mean by
1 ladies and gentlemen and it and all.  

If we can change hardware to processing binary is it one? Why does binary become 1? Is it because everything is now to a common denominator of 2? Or in this case 
0 and 1 OR 1 and 2 OR on and off.

Is the CPU we have listed on activity monitor that states 1 processing at such high rates, that it is multitasking? For my system has 22 processors. 
Does that mean I process binary at 22 processors? If so then we are at max. If we are to change the kernal to be more towards binary, it becomes one processor.
Is the idea of 22 processors a gimic? 

0 or 1 on everything. It is   

To regex lowercase letters is [a-z] that wil match the following objects

math OR 1+1=2 OR one plus one equals two
ath OR 1-1=0 OR one minus one equals zero
math OR 1/1=1 OR one divided by one equals one OR one into one equals one 
math OR 1*1=1 OR one times one equals one
[0 rules]1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#
[1 spaces]---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#
the width of this document is 90 spaces. the word space is also just " ". " " is a space #
that visually looks empty like there is nothing there. To you there is something, for    #
our eyes we do not see anything with " " but know we entered something.                  #
[0 spaces]---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#                                                                               #
[1 preformatted]---2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#
in html code there is a tag named pre with < and > surrounding it. it uses monospacing   #
so that it is always equal in distance for each space. when using other fonts or other   #
formats we run into a problem of unique spacing per character. o is a character. o uses  #
1 space and preformatted sets all content within monospaced. when using pre tag the most #
useful benefit is the \n or new line and i do not need to use br surrounding it with     #
< and >    

[1 translation issues]-------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#
objective: translators translate differently for humans depending on the tool or

the space of a tab is an absolute value at $x amount of spaces. tab is \t or	. when 
i use tab,	 

The space of a tab is a value of space that is absolute. Depending on the the            #
translator, the absolute value differs. The translator application is notepad++ and      #
shows the tab being 4 spaces. 1234. The format I am using as a custom rule is 90         # 
available spaces per line. Every 4 spaces is an indentation of space of 4. Also 4 goes   # 
into 90 12 times with a remainder of 2.                                                  #
Below is an example of 90 available total used spaces with \w with # to end the line at  #
avaiable space number 90:                                                                         #
Here is another example ---------- means the first 10 available spaces used as -. When   #
we use 1--------- in this document it means the 10 to 19 or 10..19 or regex[10-19].      #
2--------- means 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29. To start with 1 in 1--------- means the  #
tens. So 10, 11, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. To have --------- with monospacing which means #
each space is exactly the same amount of pixels, allows for ascii art. It is a visual    #
understanding for humans to see to have a guide of visually how it looks                 #

[1 who am i]-------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------#
search for the api gateway that is used with your name. example for imagine is:

with that url, do a traceroute to find yourself from whatever system you have console 
access to that allows you to do a tracert or traceroute will show all gateways or
routers to the destination of api.vyro.ai. Sometimes you get lucky, and you are able to
pull the IP address in v4 format and using look online and find out exactly which datacenter 
you are housed at. 


curl --get https://www.searchapi.io/api/v1/search \
  -d engine="google" \
  -d q="chatgpt"

to ping a hostname as google.com or divineyc.com results in an ip address returned.      #
example:                                                                                 #
C:\Users\tomch>ping divineyc.com                                                         #
Pinging divineyc.com [] with 32 bytes of data:                               #
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=49                                       #
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=49                                       #
Ping statistics for                                                        #
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss)                                  #

The ip address for divineyc.com should be static	
[12 permissions.] 	
tab location represented may show as "\t" or 1234 or "$" using $ to start the space.
Here is the examples of the three and I'll use "\t" 2 times:
$	$	

when reviewing the html page it shows as:
we have 90 spaces 
$	$	$	$	$	$	$	$	$	$	$	$											
regex \t    tab
1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9 	10	11	12	
[0 translator]------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9--------#

[1 math operator division and divide and divine]--6---------7---------8---------9--------#
The word divine has been ruined. 
The division operator is somehwat confusioning. 

Why do we use "/" for dividing? 
Why can't we use "|" for how many? 2|8 = 4. How many 2's go into 4?

Is it that we need to always come to a common denominator before we do so?

A pizza is 1. How many pieces do we need. 8. 1/8th is .125. Could we think of the Pizza to
100? The area of the pizza is 100 instead of 1. The numbers we use to go to the smallest 
value that we can as the common denominator. If the pizza is 100 then we can think of 12.

Then we need to change to 1000. so we can use 1/8th. so everyone gets 125. The numbers we 
use are hard to use. We use percentages that work against us. The purposal is to use whole 
numbers and do not think of fractions. What is the point of fractions? Irrational numbers?
Imaginary numbers as to -1.  
[0 math operator division and divide and divine]--6---------7---------8---------9--------#
[1 fibonacci meanings]--------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9--------#
Sharing - 1 divided by 2 or 1/2 or 0.5 or 2 parts of 1 or 1 splits into 2 parts.

Rights - 1/0 and 0/1
0 divided by 1 or 0/1 or infinity or none or 0 part of 1 or 1 splits into 0 part. 
1 divided by 0 or 1/0 or infinity or none or 1 part of 0 or 0 splits into 1 item.

Why is 0 pural and only 1 is singular? 0 parts vs 1 part. This is an example of english 
being modified to confuse us.

1/0 is the same as how many times does 0 go into 1? None right? 
4/2 is the same as how many times does 2 go into 4? 2. 

1/0 is 0 goes into 1 how many times? no space no item no value goes into 1 how many 
times? if 0 represents infinit as it can be as a value that is infinit for nothing goes 
into 1 how
many times? it can be infinit as it is nothing. Fibonacci starts with 0,1. To create 
Reverse Fibonacci is to combine both 0 and 1 to process 0s and 1s at the same time to create It
is infinit but still finite as there is a load. The data has to load and there is a 
limited amount of data that needs to process linearly.

Anything with a denomator that is 0 is infinit that is a fraction. The numerator can be any number and
it will be the same. 1/0 = 0 4/0 = 0 etc. [one]

When looking at 0/1, how many times does 1 go into 0? Well if 0 represents something, 
then that means there is no space. 1 does not go into 0 for there is no space. However, 
if we  use the concept of infinity at 0 then yes, however a problem here 0/1 = 0. 0/1 
means be yourself as any fraction divided by 1 is equal to the numerator, 
then 0/1 is still 0.[identity]

Because 0/1 = 0, it is nothing special for it is just 0.[humble]

If I have 0 of something it means i have none.

0 is a nunmber stating I have none. 
None goes into 1 how many times? 0 times for I have none.


[0 fibonacci meanings]--------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9--------#

When we split things to many pieces it is a simple method of a cut. We make something into
2 then 4 then 8 then 16. Reverse fibonacci is to say sharing is important. It does 
go 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32. What does those values mean? 2 people, with 1 part each. 4
people with 1 part each. 8 people with 1 part each. 

When we split divine, it is literally splitting up the Universe we live in. The divine does
not have anything yet all others have taken a part of it. When we look at 1/0 what does that mean?
none for 1 and 0/1 is 1 for none. The meaning beheind this is, is to let go. 

 When we think about it, it is so
much easier to think of how many times something fits into another instead of dividing 
it. We can use "|" to symbolize the operator "into".

Words are confusing, 2 splits into 8 parts. what is the number of parts? 8. We asked for 
8. If we are to 2 splits into 4 parts. It is 4 parts. the number is splits to .5.
It is almost like fractions are not needed. We just need to go to the lowest common
denominator to avoid fractions completely. Instead of .5 that becomes 1. distance or 
numbers we use are whole.  

Here is the example:
math                1/1=1                         one divided by one equals one
math                1|1=1                         one into one equals one

Why is it so difficult? It is not normal to think about. To divide something.            #
Instead if we were to think of "into"                                                    #


visually, we see tab as a set spacer. the above is an example of space visually.

[1 author]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:           Young Hwan Chang
Birthdate:      February 9th 1983
Born:           Seoul, South Korea
Citizenship:    United States of America
LinkedIn:       https://www.linkedin.com/in/younghchang/
Facebook:       https://www.facebook.com/young.h.chang.5/
Reddit:         https://www.reddit.com/user/datachild

About: I am trying to be strong in a confused world. Why am I writing this? The 
only reason I write this is to clear my name or to tell a story about my life that has a 
profound impact on me and what it might mean to everyone else.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Are you hurt? Are you scared? Why aren’t you helping? Why do I get questions about Heavens being destroyed so many times? Why do I get images of Heavens being destroyed every time. Why do I have ears that are not mine?


I am 99% honest. The objective of this page is to clear lies that have been said about me.

Story: Sufferring
I have not sufferred enough, is something I said in 2020, to not know what you may have 
sufferred is to say I have not sufferred enough as to be an example like Jesus.

I am a human being. I was born here. I have sufferred my whole life.

to be special is to not know you are.
to god's name being ruined is to find your name being ruined.
to know what your up against is impossibilit
to have your name ruined is knowing the evil cannot win.

i have never stolen cash from anyone in my life.
i have never physical hurt anyone in my life.
i have only received seatbelt ticket regarding driving.
i have only received a dui for cashing my car into a tree.
i have only been in one accident and he ran me over while i was still. i had the right away.
i have lied about smoking.
i have lied about drugs.
i have lied about myself to you. you're judging me you fucking idiot. hence go to fucking hell. 
i have never gossiped about you.
i have never mislead anyone about you.

at the age of 37, i thought of all sins i could have commited and could i rectife by admitting guilt, i did.

sinless i thought i was. holy was a name given. 

these are some of the fights i have been in, but i never hurt them. instead i got hurt.

08 years old korea.    got comboed.
10 years old elemetry. got uppercutted.
10 years old elemetry. got kungfued.
11 years old middle.   got racism.
11 years old dog.      got jabbed.
12 years old unfair.   got palmed. 
22 years old boxer.    got proed.
26 years old elder.    got punched.
40 years old sitting.  got sprayed.
41 years old peace.    gun:hired
41 years old peace.    gun:old